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Cataracts are distinct by the cloudy/blue patch that forms on the lens of the eye. Other symptoms of cataracts include the vision becoming increasingly blurred, cloudy or misty. It may become difficult to see at night, or in bright light. Your sight may start to take on a yellow or brown tinge, and you might develop double vision or a halo effect.


Looking after your eyes into old age can help prevent the onset of cataracts. 

Risk factors for developing cataracts include:

  • A history of the condition in the family.
  • Smoking.
  • Over-exposing eyes to UV rays.
  • Regularly drinking too much alcohol.
  • Diabetes.
  • Eye surgery for an eye condition.
  • Eye surgery for an eye injury.
  • Corticosteroid medication.


Think about your environment - working or reading in brighter surroundings will help you to see more clearly. Prescription glasses will also help to strengthen your eye. Over time, your condition could get worse and eventually surgery will be required to replace the lens with an artificial one.

Cataract removal is the most common surgical procedure in the developed world and takes just 15 minutes.